Meet the Team:  Ernie Sosa Jr.

Tell us about your background - education, when and why you joined Globeius?

I studied Psychology at Florida International University; I had a passion for the mind and new it would come in handy in my future business career. After I received my bachelor’s in psychology in May of 2017, I went to work in the family company. About a year into working, I entered the MBA program at Florida International University. I decided to go into the family business for several reasons, but the main reasons were loyalty and legacy. I always felt proud and grateful that my family owned a business that was started by my grandfather. I felt that it was an honor to work for the company that put food on my table and gave me great opportunities in life. The challenge to grow the company and leave it better than how I entered it, has fueled me to keep going every single day.

What is your current position and responsibilities at Globeius?

 My current position at Globeius is Sales Manager for USA and South American Operations. My responsibilities are selling the Globeius product line and assisting customers in the Plastics Manufacturing industry with finding the optimal solutions to their problems. I wear many other hats in addition to that one, as do most of our employees.

What is your favorite part of your job?  

 My favorite part of the job is interacting with my co-workers in a constructive way. What I mean by that is, the best conversations are when my co-workers and I get together and brainstorm creative ideas to improve and become a more efficient company and of course, implementing them.

We understand you are on a committee of young professionals at MAPP.  Can you tell us some more about this?  

MAPP is an amazing organization dedicated to linking great companies in the plastics industry together to share knowledge and best practices. The first MAPP Conference I attended was 2022. The first day of the conference I was walking the hallways of the Marriott Hotel in Indianapolis and I noticed an open door with people inside. My nosey self went in to check out what was going on and it turns out I walked into a committee meeting for the young professionals group. I guess they felt bad, so they let me listen in on the meeting and even had me introduce myself. I left not thinking anything of what happened. Months later I was speaking with Tony Robinson at a trade show, and he invited me to be part of the Young Professionals committee. It’s funny how a mistake can lead to an opportunity.

 What do you like to do in your free time - hobbies, etc.?

When I’m not working, I love to exercise. Specifically, I like to participate in Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). This is similar to your typical 5K, 10K, and Half-Marathon runs, but there are tough obstacles that you encounter along the way. If an obstacle is failed, then you take a penalty.  Yes, I guess I like to torture myself. 

Meet the team